Crushing – a teenage boy’s first love. His name was Tony.

“What are you doing here’?” are the words spoken in the short film in Spanish above as a boy engineers to be where he knows his crush will walk. With impassive faces, the first sign for the boy leaning against a fence that he is daring to confront his ‘crush’ is in the looking away, … More Crushing – a teenage boy’s first love. His name was Tony.

Should the question be: “What ‘was’ your favourite season?”

Do we have the capacity, as we live through climatological change to pick out a ‘season’ and characterise its preferential advantages? Scientists have to ensure, when they talk about a thing, that in order to measure how it changes exposed to possible change agents, it is precisely the same ‘thing’ measured each time. Hence Liz … More Should the question be: “What ‘was’ your favourite season?”

If self-realisation through reading is a luxury designed for an élite, yet I still can’t live without it, isn’t it a necessity? Why I buy and read about the obscure and unurgent things in life. I read Charles Freeman’s (2023) ‘The Children of Athena’.

Abraham Maslow, the humanist psychologist created a ‘hierarchy of needs’ (it is pictured below using the simply psychology websites’ icon – because it is so simple). According to it (but of course I oversimplify) needs at a higher level of the hierarchy cannot be met before those at the lower levels, and these needs are, … More If self-realisation through reading is a luxury designed for an élite, yet I still can’t live without it, isn’t it a necessity? Why I buy and read about the obscure and unurgent things in life. I read Charles Freeman’s (2023) ‘The Children of Athena’.

Passionate or not? Feeling forced to feel it or forced not to feel at all.

A claim of being ‘passionate’ about something often comes with an apology these days. Passionate people don’t just talk to you. The ‘go off on one’ in the modern term. They seem forced to act or talk in ways that go beyond people’s expectations of them, or indeed anyone. Those people often include the person … More Passionate or not? Feeling forced to feel it or forced not to feel at all.

The last three books I read can be my list of books that had an impact on me. Books that have no impact and render you passive aren’t things you read, just commodities you consume.

List three books that have had an impact on you. Why? The last three books I read might as well be the list of books I offer here. For if they did not have an impact on me, in truth, I can’t have read them. That may not always be the fault of the book … More The last three books I read can be my list of books that had an impact on me. Books that have no impact and render you passive aren’t things you read, just commodities you consume.

Dirg Aab-Richards, a Black gay elder from Brixton, would say the important things are an integration of ‘love’ and ‘communities of diversity’. Yet he felt he had to reinvent them, rewritten from the ‘works of a white man’ in order to find ‘What wasn’t there but was’. This is a blog on Jason Okundaye’s 2024 book, ‘Revolutionary Acts’.

The answer to this prompt question (‘What are the most important things needed to live a good life?) has to be one based on how and who we love and value outside the circle of what we call me. But you cannot achieve such things easily and they are often obscured and misrepresented. We have … More Dirg Aab-Richards, a Black gay elder from Brixton, would say the important things are an integration of ‘love’ and ‘communities of diversity’. Yet he felt he had to reinvent them, rewritten from the ‘works of a white man’ in order to find ‘What wasn’t there but was’. This is a blog on Jason Okundaye’s 2024 book, ‘Revolutionary Acts’.

The wisdom of the late Shakespeare plays tells us that to ‘fear no more’ is to be dead.

In Act 4 Scene 2 of Cymbeline, a late play of Shakespeare’s, is one of his most famous songs, possibly made so by Virginia Woolf’s obsession with it. It is, though, rarely reprinted as the dramatic lyric or part song, distributed between two roles that it is (Cymbeline, Act , Scene 2, lines 331 – … More The wisdom of the late Shakespeare plays tells us that to ‘fear no more’ is to be dead.

Hoary thoughts on whether friends last forever; with good news from Emily Dickinson.

What quality do you value most in a friend? Friendship coming like a surprise upon you in order to remind you of its capacity to be present may well feel to us as the contents of a witch’s cauldron feel, stirred by some witch’s huge and magic ladle. The poem I tried to bring together … More Hoary thoughts on whether friends last forever; with good news from Emily Dickinson.

Olivia Laing thinks the answer to this question is to ‘cultivate your garden’. But she shows us what a political act that is!

Olivia Laing tells us as her book The Garden Against Time closes that she loves a line  from the fourteenth-century Psalter by Richard Rolle: This boke is cald garden closed, wel enseled, paradyse full of appils’. In contrast she goes on to say that her ‘book is a garden opened and spilling over. The common … More Olivia Laing thinks the answer to this question is to ‘cultivate your garden’. But she shows us what a political act that is!

It is joyful to visit mutual interests with friends. A rolling description of visiting The Laing Gallery, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to see ‘Turner: Art, Industry & Nostalgia’, on Tuesday, 28 May 2024.

A ‘rolling description’ is where I post early on the day of an event and keep updating it as the experience I am trying to recount occurs. It is now 6.30 a.m on the 28th May and I am looking forward to friends Rob and Linda Goffee arriving(about 11 a.m. we think, to leave for … More It is joyful to visit mutual interests with friends. A rolling description of visiting The Laing Gallery, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to see ‘Turner: Art, Industry & Nostalgia’, on Tuesday, 28 May 2024.