Let us practise to ‘Sing the song of sorrow, but let good prevail’. Advice from Edith Hall (2024) ‘Facing Down The Furies: Suicide, The Ancient Greeks, and Me’.

‘Sing the song of sorrow, but let good prevail’. The terrible beauty of a book that while looking for the ‘perfect therapeutic mantra in the face of suicidal despair’, sometimes finds itself ‘somehow taking over from the central actors the role of communicating a tragic subjectivity and trying to find relief in psychological candour’.[1] This … More Let us practise to ‘Sing the song of sorrow, but let good prevail’. Advice from Edith Hall (2024) ‘Facing Down The Furies: Suicide, The Ancient Greeks, and Me’.

The contradictions of the freedom that poses as choice. A reflection and a brutal stanza.

If you were forced to wear one outfit over and over again, what would it be? This question hurts. The terms used are difficult to get your head round. That you are ‘forced’ suggests coercion, perhaps  backed by possible sanctions for not obeying the rule implied in donning the outfitting of yourself. After aĺ, one … More The contradictions of the freedom that poses as choice. A reflection and a brutal stanza.

Wasted time is the time you spend not appreciating having time to live life with varied pace and productivity, including the unproductive moments of rest and recuperation.

How do you waste the most time every day? This gif is, as it is intended to be, funny because it takes a number of negative clichés that get said in moments of stress  and knots them together in a way that, all together, the effect is comic. This gif is, as it is intended … More Wasted time is the time you spend not appreciating having time to live life with varied pace and productivity, including the unproductive moments of rest and recuperation.

Is self-care satisfactory if it doesn’t see the ‘self’ as a problem for remedy first of all.

How do you practice self-care? The self-care INDUSTRY tries to pretend it is not a money-making business but a tool of love and esteem. There is still money in practicing that self-care is not self-interest or self-indulgence. The questions of ‘self-care’ were thrown into the air philosophically by the attention the philosopher, Michel Foucault, gave … More Is self-care satisfactory if it doesn’t see the ‘self’ as a problem for remedy first of all.

One person’s favourite ‘historical figure’ is most likely to be another person’s partial or total historical misrepresentation of the same figure. The elder Michelangelo must have been awesome. According to some, whose ‘favourite’ he is, we  will not see that in the British Museum’s reconstruction of him in ‘Michelangelo: The last decades’? We see that exhibition on July 21st at 12.30.

Who is your favorite historical figure? One person’s favourite ‘historical figure’ is most likely to be another person’s partial or total historical misrepresentation of the same figure. Michelangelo (‘in his last decades’) must have been awesome. According to some whose ‘favourite’ he is, we  will not see that in the British Museum’s reconstruction of him … More One person’s favourite ‘historical figure’ is most likely to be another person’s partial or total historical misrepresentation of the same figure. The elder Michelangelo must have been awesome. According to some, whose ‘favourite’ he is, we  will not see that in the British Museum’s reconstruction of him in ‘Michelangelo: The last decades’? We see that exhibition on July 21st at 12.30.

Seeking ‘transport’ in childhood fantasy of fulfilled desire, haunted by the repulsion that comes from the memory of not being fulfilled.

Of course being ‘transported’ out of the current boundaries of own spatial and temporal location is not either addiction nor the action of a dangerous substance or even more dangerous behaviour but it verges on the same mechanisms in our non-rational experience. So let’s start with a biological explanation of being hooked on something, something … More Seeking ‘transport’ in childhood fantasy of fulfilled desire, haunted by the repulsion that comes from the memory of not being fulfilled.

Retirement suggests retreat from life. Can it be a way of finding your own meaning in each day? Saturday 15th June 2024 at the Borders Book Festival at Melrose.

Retirement suggests retreat from life. Can it be a way of finding your own meaning in each day? Saturday 15th June 2024 at the Borders Book Festival at Melrose. Posted on 16 June 2024 by stevendouglasblog I am already retired and in many ways feel it easier not to be defined by work situations that are in the … More Retirement suggests retreat from life. Can it be a way of finding your own meaning in each day? Saturday 15th June 2024 at the Borders Book Festival at Melrose.

Why stop at one? The Borders Book Festival on Friday 14th June.

Describe one of your favorite moments. We are here at our holiday cottage, and yesterday all looked lovely, with blue skies and sunshine, with even Daisy snuffling around. The sim to see events at Borders Book Festival. I had a few things lined up, had missed The Walter Scott Prize announcement. My first event I … More Why stop at one? The Borders Book Festival on Friday 14th June.

Crushing – a teenage boy’s first love. His name was Tony.

“What are you doing here’?” are the words spoken in the short film in Spanish above as a boy engineers to be where he knows his crush will walk. With impassive faces, the first sign for the boy leaning against a fence that he is daring to confront his ‘crush’ is in the looking away, … More Crushing – a teenage boy’s first love. His name was Tony.

Should the question be: “What ‘was’ your favourite season?”

Do we have the capacity, as we live through climatological change to pick out a ‘season’ and characterise its preferential advantages? Scientists have to ensure, when they talk about a thing, that in order to measure how it changes exposed to possible change agents, it is precisely the same ‘thing’ measured each time. Hence Liz … More Should the question be: “What ‘was’ your favourite season?”